Monday, April 28, 2008

Easy is hard. I never run the recovery pace recommended. I sneak up to the fast end of aerobic pace on most runs. It might be OK for base miles, but now that I'm running at least 20% of my miles at MP or faster, I need to go real slow.......on the recovery days. Yesterday I was in moderate pain for most of my 10.7 miles and thought today would be a URD. But I hit the treadmill and refused to go over 8:40 pace for ANY part of my 5 miles. Guess what? No pain, and a nice run.
It takes discipline to run slowly, particularly when you are around other runners and want to show your chops. But the body tells me that easy is important. Last year I wound up learning the hard way. Not today.

1 comment:

Willis said...

Ronster - I'm the total opposite of you - I can't seem to run fast enough on my easy runs! I'm still logging those darn 9+ min/mile on most of my recovery runs!

On the bright side, my "real" runs (3-4/wk) have definitely gotten faster. I've just chosen to completely ignore Mcmillan's "recovery/easy" pace, but I do try and stick with the other recommended paces for my time target.

The only time I seem to blaze through my workouts in during taper time!